interview with graeme parker
“I’ve a very big secret project that sadly I can’t tell you about it right now as I would actually have to kill you”
When it came to trying to pick the first victim for my new interview page, the process didn’t take long. You see, I know a lot of writers, but only one of them has helped me to become a published author.
I first became aware of Mr Kensington Gore when I joined the mighty ranks of the Twitterverse. In amongst the many authors and artists pouring their hearts out in 142 characters, the ever present Mr Gore often had a new grisly horror tale to promote or a few choice questions for people to answer. When he got in touch about writing a review for him, I managed to nag him into looking at my own work as well.
That was back in 2014. Since then, KGHH Published have released six novellas, three collections and a novel for me under their Hammered Horror banner. Along with a considerable library of work from other authors, spanning a wide selection of genres.
The man behind the mask of Kensington Gore is Graeme Parker. He’s the heart and soul of KGHH Publishing and it’s his tireless efforts that are behind their resounding success. He puts every ounce of himself into publishing and nurturing talent, but that’s not enough for him. Oh no. He’s also a writer, a filmmaker and an occasional stand-up comedian. On top of which, he’s also a lovely fella. So, really, how could I not put him right to the front of the queue?
(Disclaimer – Those of you who suffer from an incredibly sensitive disposition might notice my publisher dropping a very subtle hint that I’m meant to be working on a book for him. Don’t worry, no authors were harmed during the process of this interview.)
CL: What stories first inspired you to become a writer?
GP: As a child, I loved Doctor Who and those stories and the feeling they could be set anywhere and any when fired my imagination. I dabbled with writing off-and-on but it was the early films of Quentin Tarantino, Reservoir Dogs and in particular Pulp Fiction and the fact that he started off as basically a movie geek working in a video store, that inspired me. To say he came up with cool films with scintillating dialogue made me think “Hey, if he can do it and do it so bloody well, then maybe there’s hope after all!”
CL: What was the first thing you wrote that you let other people read?
GP: It was a Doctor Who parody, written with my lifelong friend, Ian Little, a very good writer in his own right. So, for the sake of his reputation, I best not say how truly bad it was.
CL: When did you realise that you wanted to become a publisher as well as a writer?
GP: I’ve always liked helping and looking for the good in people. In getting self-published, I saw the process and in some ways how easy certain parts of it seemed to me, but also how there were people almost praying on my and other writer’s dreams. Cover designers, editors, book formatters all charging the Earth for things that I thought came quite easily to me. That’s why, even in my cover design work, I never over charge. Any writers and indie publishers should feel free to contact me via email for some awesome yet affordable covers.
CL: What’s the most rewarding part of the job for you?
GP: That feeling of achievement, inspiring writers and helping them improve and hopefully reach their true potential.
CL: For you, what does success look like?
GP: A seven letter word with lots of S’s. Seriously, the true meaning of success to me is the feeling of a job well done and knowing that you’ve made something, be it a book, film, picture, whatever that may be, to be proud of. That might even stand the test of time.
CL: On your lowest day, where do you turn for inspiration?
GP: My girlfriend Sandra, she is my rock, and the people that are close to me. A close friend drew me a calligraphy motto which reads “Believe you can and you are half way there.” It’s in my office and I often look at and think, with belief I can get there, just need to add the hard work.
CL: What piece of advice have you heard that you’ve found the most useful over the years?
GP: Apart from don’t eat yellow snow you mean? Well, believe in yourself as I said and look at things from the other person’s point of you. What’s that saying? Don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. I’ve done that a lot, that’s why I have so many shoes.
CL: What project are you most looking forward to tackling in 2017?
GP: Well publishing wise, so many. I’ve a great crop of writers and most have great books coming out and all so varied. Horror from G.J. Wood, James B. Peartree, Sara Jayne Townsend, Pete Sutton, Mark Simmons, Ann Wuehler, Jack Strange and the great Christopher Long (when he gets his finger out). An action Thriller by Misti Debonno. Murder mysteries by Sarah E. Smith and Lucy Brazier. Fantasy by C.A Ardron, Kristen H Richards, S.L. Walker and Adam Lawrence. Even comedy with great joke writer Phil Swales, I’m excited about them all in different ways. On a personal note, I’m getting my movie making hat back on and as I love horror, I’ve a very big secret project that sadly I can’t tell you about it right now as I would actually have to kill you, but I’m contacting some of the greatest stars of Horror old and new. That’s all I’ll say for now.
CL: You’ve written horror stories, joke books, short movies, and stand-up comedy over your career. Is there one type of project you’d love to tackle or return to, given the chance?
GP: Oh, I dare say I’ll return to them all over time. But I want to concentrate on the publishing more and get KGHH Publishing, and it’s many genres, not just horror, murder mystery, sci-fi, thriller, comedy to be a real force to be reckoned with.
CL: In 100 years, how would you like to be remembered?
GP: Still living. No, medical science won’t get me to hundred plus, and I don’t want my brain kept pickled forever in a jar; I got out of my skull too much when I was alive. I don’t really care but I’d like to be remembered fondly and make that person remembering smile, then laugh, then cry uncontrollably for at least five hours.
Thank to Graeme for giving up his time to speak to me. If you want to see what his alter ego and his publishing company are up to then you’ll find a link to their website under Collaborations at the bottom of the screen. All the books he’s released for me so far are available under the Shop on this site as well. He’s also on Twitter, just look for @Kensington_Gore.
If you’re interested in working with KGHH Publishing, you’ll find a submission form on their website. I hear they’re currently on the hunt for purveyors of murder mysteries, if that’s your particular brand of story.